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Parliamentarians and their staff use PolicyMogul free of charge to find relevant content from organisations and all official sources

PolicyMogul ensures my staff and I are up to date with relevant developments from the political landscape and from constituency organisations

Yasmin Qureshi, Member of Parliament for Bolton South and Walkden

photograph of Yasmin Qureshi
Briefing material by subject

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By default, you’ll get a daily digest at 9am each weekday with the latest developments and briefing material related to your interests. You can pause or reschedule alerts at any time

Avoid information overload

Briefing material

Organisations publish research, news releases and policy asks directly on PolicyMogul. You will see briefings relevant to you, in a standardised format which also identifies supporters and associated political updates

Create a unified voice

Writing assistant

PolicyMogul’s AI writing assistant helps parliamentarians and their staff to write and improve speeches, questions, EDMs and more. This feature is currently in Beta

Avoid information overload


Your analytics dashboard allows you to drill into reports which show how any subject of interest to you has changed over time in the political discourse, including sentiment amongst policymakers